You’re probably marketing your online business using some combination of social media and email marketing. Your promotions land right where people see them every single day. So why would you need to have actual business cards if your business is completely online? The owners of newer startups may view business cards as an old-fashioned marketing tool, but they’re more useful than you think. Unlike online ads and emails, business cards are permanent, tangible objects potential clients can hold and save. Cards mean different things to different people, but they can hit a variety of emotional responses that social media can’t touch. Having a supply of express business cards on hand can be a Godsend when meeting potential new clients or customers.

That Professional Look
Having a solid piece to hand out to potential customers simply makes your business look more professional. If you’ve spent the time and money to make custom cards, people will view you as taking your business more seriously. Your competition may spend 12 hours a day marketing online, but to a larger percentage of the public, you’ll look more stable by having a well-designed business card.
The best customer for you to get is one who returns over and over again. One way to get customers to come back is to offer them something special. Turn business cards into compliments cards by adding an offer to the back of your cards. When you order your business cards in Melbourne, include a discount for future orders or a special free item to all returning customers. Add one of these compliments cards to each order you ship, or hand them to every client you service.
You’ll Stand Out
A business card says so much more about your business than your name and contact information. Depending on the card you design, it will tell recipients about your company culture or attitude, your brand personality, and your willingness to work just a little bit more to get the job done. Imagine a stark card with sharp geometric lines, and picture it next to one with a soft overlay of a lovely flower bouquet. Two different feelings for the businesses, right? Make your card speak about your business the same way.
It’s Memorable
Business cards are relatively scarce these days. Twenty years ago you might gather a stack of them within a week but, unless you go to a business convention or other gathering, you’ll be lucky to get one card each month. You remember the ones you do get, especially if they have a great design. Great cards help to stick your business into potential customers’ minds.
If you’re looking for business cards, brochures, flyers or any other printing in the Melbourne CBD, Spencer Minuteman Press is the premier printer for all your business needs. Our in-house design staff can help you design the perfect business cards, on time and budget. If you need express business cards, we offer an express same day turnaround and free shipping within Melbourne’s CBD. Eco friendly stock is available and every job carries our print perfect guarantee. Contact us today to discuss your printing needs.