When you’re trying to make an impression with clients, every little thing that makes you stand out from the crowd can be a huge advantage. Your clients may have a pile of business cards big enough to play poker with, but if your card is different enough to pick out from the rest, they’re more likely to choose you when they need to give someone their business. If you need business cards in Melbourne, your go-to place for cards should be Spencer Minuteman Press. Spencer Street Printers are one of the premier places for printing in Melbourne’s CBD. They have in-house graphic designers who will work with you to create the perfect card for your business, and the variety of colours and shapes available will let your creativity flow when designing your perfect card. With reasonable prices and short manufacturing times, Spencer Street Printers is the place to go for your business needs. Just ask Justin, who recently needed our services:

Impressing Potential Clients
My name is Justin, and I’m a real estate agent in Melbourne. I was having a hard time picking up extra business, and one of my colleagues told me that I needed to do something to stand out from the crowd. I was looking through the pile of business cards in my wallet, not able to find the card I was looking for, when it struck me: I needed a card that clients would keep, one that was different from any other card they got. That’s when I got in touch with Spencer Minuteman Printing.
I sat down with one of their designers and we spent the afternoon coming up with the perfect card for gaining business contacts and clients. We were able to incorporate the colours in my company’s logo, while making the card different enough so that it looked like nothing else around. The heavy gloss stock looks rich and expensive, and the smooth rounded edges gave my cards an impressive, custom touch. These are truly premium class, artisan business cards, at a common card price.
Since I’ve started handing out my new cards, I’m getting more frequent responses, and everyone who calls me comments on the cards. My increase in business is due completely to my new cards and the impression they make on potential clients. It’s the best business decision I’ve made in a long time.
Premium Business Cards
If you’re ready to step to the next level when it comes to your business cards, come to Spencer Minuteman Printing in Melbourne CBD. We’ll work with you to create the perfect card for all your business needs. We offer an in-house design service and free shipping within Melbourne’s CBD alongside our quality satisfaction guarantee. Our range of products covers everything from envelopes to wedding invitations and we offer an express business card service with a fast one-day turnaround. Contact us today to discuss your printing requirements.