Our Standard Papers are FSC Certified

We’ve written articles before about Spencer Minuteman Press’s commitment to the environment, and today we’re back up on that soapbox. We are proud to say that our standard papers are FSC certified, which ensures that your printing jobs in Melbourne’s CBD aren’t negatively affecting the ecosystems of forests around the world. Read on to find out more about the Forest Stewardship Council and what it means to be FSC certified.

What is FSC?

The Forest Stewardship Council is a not-for-profit organisation that is committed to responsibly managing forests. They set the standard on environmentally sound and socially conscious use of wood. They acknowledge that there is a need for forest products, but want those resources to be harvested and used in a way that protects the health of the world’s forests for generations to come.

FSC Certified Papers
FSC Certified Papers

Obviously, Spencer Minuteman Press’s business is dependent on paper. Our employees’ livelihood requires us to use resources from the forest, but that’s why the FSC exists: they aim to balance the biological health of forests with the positive economic and social impact that their resources have on our communities.

FSC’s 10 Principles

The FSC has developed guidelines on how to use forest resources responsibly. Of their 10 principles, a few really stand out and are worth mentioning.

Their #1 principle is compliance with the local laws of the country, and principles #3 and #4 are also related to respecting the norms, values, and local regulations in the area a forest is located. The FSC is committed to ensuring the customary rights of indigenous peoples, as well as workers’ rights. Forests affect more than the plants and animals, and the FSC makes sure that all interactions respect the people associated with and dependent upon a forest.

The other principle we want to highlight is pretty obvious; #6 demands that forest management conserve the biological diversity of a forest, including water, soil, ecosystems, and landscapes. It is possible to use products and resources from a forest without destroying it. The FSC manages this by setting standards for certification.

FSC Certified: What It Means

When a company and its products are FSC certified, you can trust that their methods are environmentally safe and socially responsible. Certification is a long process that involves a complete audit of all practices, along with both scheduled and unannounced field visits. The process is rigorous, but it’s also supportive. The FSC’s goal is to get companies that use forest resources to use them responsibly, so they offer a lot of support throughout the journey to certification.

FSC Friday

The Forest Stewardship Council hosts an annual event called FSC Friday. This year, it takes place on Friday, September 26th. On FSC Friday, the responsible management of the world’s forest is promoted by asking the public to look for the FSC logo on their wood and paper products. Check out this awesome awareness-raising event’s history and get involved this year!

You don’t need to worry about looking for the FSC logo on our standard paper—it’s there. Next time you need to print something, choose Spencer Minuteman Press. We are local, affordable and environmentally friendly.