I’m a Cafe Owner, and This is the Business Card I Chose

Minuteman Press has been in the printing business for over 40 years, and in that time, we’ve had the pleasure of working with a diverse group of individuals and businesses. As you probably already know, Spencer Minuteman Press is especially well-known for our business card printing services. Today, we’re putting on a café owner’s hat to bring you tips for creating the perfect business card to represent you and your casual restaurant, café or coffeehouse.

A Cafe with a Relaxed Vibe

If we owned a café, it would definitely have a relaxed vibe. You wouldn’t find any unpronounceable fancy drinks or pastries on our menu. We’d offer the standard coffee, muffins, scones and the like, but they would be the most unbelievable delicious coffee and baked goods you had ever had. So, how would we convey that message on a business card to customers in the CBD: that the focus is 100% on the quality of the food and drinks?

Business Card Designed for Cafe
Business Card Designed for Cafe

Here is a Business Card that Reflects those Values.

It’s clear from the raw wood table that this is a casual atmosphere. You won’t find white tablecloths in our cafe. The setup of the image, with the coffee and pastry being offset, gives ample space to add contact information. Cafes are nearly a sacred space in Melbourne, and I want customers to feel a sense of Zen just by looking at the business card. The image and text are perfectly balanced, helping customers to relax even before their first sip of chai.

The pastry is intended to pique curiosity and lure customers in to see our pastry offerings, which of course would change from day to day. Again, the focus is all on using the best ingredients and techniques to produce the most delicious results. The black cup of coffee also communicates that the café is about the basics.

This is the type of café you can pop into in your runners, still sweaty from your morning jog. The simplicity of this business card lets customers know that it is a down-to-earth, modest place. Keeping with that streamlined attitude, the card isn’t overflowing with information. It has the café’s name as well as the name of its owner, along with an address. The point is to get people in the door. With a premium business card as friendly and straightforward as this one—and the very best quality food and drinks—they’ll be queuing up around the block in no time!

We have loads of other tips for creating the perfect business card, including information on designing logos and choosing fonts. If you are ready to create the best business card in Melbourne, check out our free design tool! We also have a team of talented designers ready to help you if you’re unsure where to start.