What Every Start-up Needs

Most companies, both new and well established, generally have the same needs; for example, premium business cards and stationery. But there are a few necessities that are especially crucial to start-ups. In the initial phases of building a business, the work might be dramatically different from the day-to-day tasks that will follow once the company is established. Read on to find out just what you need to stock your supplies cupboard with in order to help your start-up find growth and success.

Presentation Folders

In the first few months after opening up a business, you’ll be making loads of presentations. You might be pitching to banks to procure loans, working with city councils to garner approvals and permits and giving presentations to potential investors. You’ll also be knee-deep in marketing and publicity; it’s absolutely crucial to build awareness and establish a customer base as quickly as possible. Make sure you stock up on materials for your presentation folders.

Presentation Folder
Presentation Folder

In addition to visual aids for your presentations, be sure to include a business card in the folders. You’ll want to make sure that your company name and contact information are prominently displayed, in addition to your logo. A sharp, professional presentation folder will help you make a favourable impression on all the right people in your start-ups initial weeks and months. A consistent, well thought out look can help you to hit the ground running.

Flyers and Cards

Obviously, one of your first priorities will be to get your name out there. You’ll need to start building name recognition and gaining public awareness, and flyers and cards are a great way to do that. Flyers and cards can be used in a variety of ways. For example, you can ask local businesses to display them or use letterbox distribution, if your business has a local focus. However you decide to use them, flyers and cards are a must for a start-up.

We know that most start-ups are working within a very tight budget, so make sure to come in to Spencer Minuteman Press to discuss how we can help make your needs meet your budget. We are the most reliable printers in Melbourne, and we know how to help you save money!


Don’t underestimate the amount of correspondence you’ll have when you first open a new business. You need to come off as a professional and reliable company from the get-go, so make sure to stock up on letterhead and custom business envelopes. It’s true that email dominates the modern world of communication, but a start-up will need to be prepared for more formal interactions, too.

Once you stock up on these start-up essentials, it’s time to do some heavy recruiting for clients. Take a look at our article on growing your business by increasing your customer base, and then stop by Spencer Minuteman Press for all of your CBD printing needs. Your new business will be a success in no time!