Eye-catching graphics and even layouts are great, but the most important part of your brochure design is the information it’s meant to convey. At Spencer Minuteman Press, our design staff is ready to help you create the ideal business brochure, but your half of the contribution is the more important of the two. Brochures are created to pull potential customers in and incite them to action, whether it’s make a phone call, send an email, or walk into your business. Unless you answer these five questions, you’re not getting the message across.
Are You Hooking the Customer?
A hook, or a beginning that draws the eye and the interest, can be a title, a photo, or both. What final act do you want the customer to take? Put a picture on the cover of someone already enjoying that act. Happy diners in a restaurant, children bouncing on trampolines, and couples at their wedding are all pictures that evoke a sense of satisfaction, implying that your business will create this feeling if the potential customer acts.
Questions are also a great hook. Queries like, Are You Tired of Boring Restaurants? Isn’t it Time for a Vacation? And, Wouldn’t You Like to Lower Your Insurance Rate? are all good. Choose a question that almost everyone will answer with a resounding yes.

Are You Explaining the Benefits?
You’ve got them interested with your hook. Keep them interested by telling them what you can do for them. Maybe they can find great seafood in your restaurant. Maybe they’ll enjoy a weekend in your hotel. Maybe they’ll save money. Whatever the reason, you need to convey the benefit to everyone who reads your brochure.
Are You Using a Call to Action?
Most people will follow your instructions if you only ask them to. Some of the largest advertising failures around happened because someone just didn’t ask for an action. Tell them to come in and try your fish. Give them the dates when you have weekend discounts and tell them to stop by. Let them know they need to email to get further information. Ask them for an action.
Are You Telling Them How?
Letting them know about your sale is great, but giving them a map to your store will go further in getting them to come in. Put in your address, your phone number, your email address, or any details they need to get the deal. Don’t make them ask, because most won’t.
Are You Telling Them Why Now?
Make every offer limited, whether it’s for a week or a year. Convey a sense of urgency in your brochure and you’ll encourage more people to take advantage of your offer right away.
If you’re looking for express business cards in Melbourne or brochure printing in Melbourne CBD, Spencer Minuteman Press is the place to go. They have a range of quality products from document printing to flyers at very reasonable prices, and they’ll get the job done in very little time. Express same day turnaround is available and they offer free delivery if you’re in the Melbourne CBD. To discuss your next printing project and receive a quote, contact Minuteman Press Spencer Street today.