Wedding Invitations Without The Worry

Spencer Minuteman Press is known for being the premier printer in the CBD for all your business-printing needs. We may be the best at business cards and letterheads, but that’s not all we do. Our professional design staff is ready to work with you to create your dream wedding invitations. One young couple, Susan and Ray, came to us worried about getting the right invitation in time to send them to their overseas family members. Here’s what Susan had to say:

Great Timing

Ray and I both have family all around the world, so getting the right invitations done in plenty of time was a priority for me. We’ve been planning the perfect wedding for over a year and we didn’t want a small thing like invitations to upset our big day. When it comes to holding a destination wedding like ours, a long advance notice is crucial if you want most of your family to join you. We knew that six months wasn’t too much of a warning, just for people to save the date. Spencer Minuteman Press was sensitive to our timing needs, and worked with us to create a design we loved and delivered the premium wedding invitations on time.

Designing the Wedding Invitation

Your wedding invitations are the first time your guests will see how you, as a couple, will present yourself to the world. Are you a casual couple, or one who loves the formal touches? Modern or traditional? Not only will the invitations give your guests a clue about the feeling on your wedding day, it can also hint at the type of lifestyle you’re planning to lead once you’ve taken your vows. We knew the general style we wanted to portray, so it was easier for the Spencer designer to create our invitations, but they’re ready to start the process even if you don’t have a clue what you want your finished product to look like.

Printed Wedding Invitation
Printed Wedding Invitation

We love a simple and uncluttered look, and the designer at Spencer Minuteman Press was able to design a wedding invitation that was sleek and modern without being trendy. The elegant cards had hints of our wedding accent colours, and the interior was a clean looking page without too much extra information. It told the story we needed to tell without adding extra words that would make it look crowded. The entire process took a surprisingly short amount of time, and everyone at Spencer was so helpful it removed a lot of stress about making sure my wedding day would be perfect. The invitations were finished in plenty of time for us to mail them out, and were much more affordable than we ever expected them to be.