Make the Right Impression With Your Catalogue

If your business utilises a catalogue for sales, it’s more important than ever to make sure yours makes the right impression. In today’s digital age, a printed catalogue can feel stale and old-fashioned. Luckily, Spencer Minuteman Press, Melbourne’s premiere printers, is here to offer you some great tips on creating a professional and luxurious catalogue.

Luxurious Catalogue Printing
Luxurious Catalogue Printing


When selecting the paper for your catalogue, you should definitely opt for the heaviest weight within your budget. Thin, shiny catalogues appear cheap and are not user-friendly. A thicker, matte paper instantly elevates your catalogue in quality and style. The size is important, too. You don’t want a catalogue that is too thin, as it will make your business seem lacking. But if it has too many pages, people will be scared off from even cracking the first page. Aim for no more than half a centimetre if using a heavier paper option, and a quarter of a centimetre if your paper is on the thinner side.


This isn’t the first time we’ve talked about the importance of font on this blog. The truth is, your typeface has a huge impact on the overall feel and communicative effect of your catalogue. The font you choose should be easy to read and have clean lines. Consider how it looks at various sizes and in bold. You might decide to use a combination of fonts, perhaps one for the headings and various tag lines, and a different style for item descriptions and pricing. If this is the case, make sure they complement each other.


Catalogue layout is difficult. You need to strike a balance between making it easy to navigate and providing the reader with all of the necessary information. Using graphic cueing can be a big help, so use text boxes or lines to help organise each page. You want to make sure you don’t overwhelm the reader, so keep each page as minimal as possible. That being said, make sure all the information they need to know about a specific product or service is located on the same page. If the reader has to work too hard to interpret your catalogue, chances are they will toss it into the recycling bin. Spencer Minuteman Press has talented designers on staff that will gladly assist you with the tricky task of layout, so book your appointment today.


Finally, carefully consider the images you are including in your catalogue. If your catalogue includes pictures of your products or employees, it is worth investing in a top-notch photographer. Sharp, high-resolution images will attract and impress potential clients. If you are using graphic images or illustrations, make sure they look modern and sophisticated; you don’t want anything in your catalogue that resembles cheap clipart.

If you are looking for help with your catalogue or any other type of booklet that you need printed, come on in to Spencer Minuteman Press for the best printing services in Melbourne’s CBD.