An effective marketing campaign utilises many forms of media, from radio spots to online advertisements. As Melbourne’s premier printers, we’re partial to posters. But here’s why we think brochures are key: they cost very little to produce and print, but stick around a heck of a lot longer than a 20 second radio blurb or internet ad. Brochures are eye-catching and far-reaching. If you’re a local retailer in Melbourne, you should create and distribute one ASAP.

Brochure Printed by Minuteman Press Spencer Street
Spread the Word
Your brochure should not be overfilled with information. A wordy or fussy brochure will instantly put people off. You want to make sure you curate the information to highlight the most important aspects of your message. Approach it like an assignment from primary school and start with the 5 Ws:
- Who you are: Make sure your business name is in a prominent location. Place it on every page.
- What you do: Explain as briefly as possible what type of business you are in. Think here about speaking directly to your target demographic.
- When: If you are advertising a specific event or limited time promotion, make sure that’s clear.
- Where: In addition to your address, also include your company URL, as well as phone and email information.
- Why: This is the most important one. Explain why your audience should care about this. What’s in it for them?
Weigh the Options
As we’ve already said, brochures are economical. Spencer Mintueman Press has a range of brochures for every budget, but you should always go with the highest quality you can afford. The reality is that a brochure printed on a shiny, thick paper will convey a sense of luxury. Invest just a little bit more on the paper quality and you’ll see that the public will be more likely to invest in YOU.
You also have to consider where you will be placing your brochure. If this is something that will be going into neighbourhood mail slots, you can be sure it will be noticed. However, if you plan to leave this with other businesses—coffee shops, dry cleaners, and the like—you will want to go with something a little flashier. That might mean choosing brighter colours for your background or images, or picking a paper that has a glossy finish.
Not Just a Mini-Catalogue
Don’t underestimate just how versatile brochures can be. You don’t have to use them to directly sell your business, but you can treat them like content marketing instead. For example, if your retail store sells coffee, create an interesting informational brochure on how exactly coffee beans are sourced, roasted, and eventually turn up in your cup. Your clothing store can create a brochure on the hottest celebrity trends for summer.
Ready to create a brochure of your own? Take a look at our article on font basics, and then stop by Spencer Minuteman Press for the best digital printing in Melbourne!